Monday, January 11, 2010

Featured blogger- Mixxerhose

- I get ideas of the kind of 'feel' I would like to achieve from an outfit from everywhere, fashion magazines, other people's pictures posted on places like fashion communities on Flickr or fashion blogs, people walking down the street. But the end outfit I will walk out of the house in is really just chopping & changing until it just feels 'right' and looks effortless, & often ends up completely different from what I had in mind or the inspiration.


*What blogs and websites do you follow and why ?

- Flickr ( An amazing place for inspiration, fashion & otherwise. Seeing different ways in which people see things really wakes you up and snaps you out of your problems or closemindedness.
- Gala Darling's blog ( A beautiful woman with the courage to live freely & be herself. Originally a fashion blogger but generally a burst of fresh air with tons of links to entertaining and inspiring sites, blogs, and photos.
-Hipster Runoff makes me lol. (
- Some great fun / funny timewasters; Fark (, the fucking word of the day (, an oldie but a goodie (, um, hot! ( etc
- Some things I am interested in: Great general eco / green blog (, where I keep up with all the vege news in NZ (, the best place for one of my kinks, but worth a look to increase awareness on size acceptance in general (, this has helped me soooo much, literally changed my life, sadly shutting down soon :( ( Better stop now :P

* Would you describe yourself as a trendsetter or fashion follower ?

- Probably neither. Or a little of both, depending on how you look at it. I don't think you would feature someone on your blog who was completely a fashion follower, because then they wouldn't differ from everyone else. & if you completely follow fashion it tends to look terrible anyway. Just because it is expensive or 'in' doesn't neccesarily make it look good or suit you, especially when you are head to toe in it! But at the same time I do believe people who consider themselves alternative are too quick to dismiss some of the trends that come around. Like it or not, you will pick up on some of them simply because you are exposed to them - they do grow on you. I never actively 'follow' fashion in terms of what is 'in' or 'in season' because it just doesn't interest me. I usually have a mood or feeling I would like to convey with my clothing, & if a current piece or trend is bought into my awareness & it feels 'right', then sure, I'll go there. On the other hand I derive satisfaction from finding a piece that I know won't be 'approved' of by the typically fashion concious, but pulling it off and managing to get compliments :P In my opinion it's all about keeping an open mind - being prepared to mix it up a little.

*How would you describe your style ?
- I've actually struggled with this concept in the past. My 'style' has never really been geared towards one particular aspect or trend, & I always felt like I needed to try and stick with one style, work on trying to define it, try and not leap out of where I 'wanted' it to be depending on how I felt a particular day or what I had been inspired by.

People just liked it better that way.

This has never really happened, though. It keeps changing depending on sooo many variables. & the more I see people with one kind of 'set' style, the more I am glad I don't have one. What's wrong with wanting to convey the mood or feeling that is around me or in me on a set day? Nothing, and now I accept that. I am always trying to not box others in to a certain category, so why should I try and do exactly that to myself?

For the fun of it though, if I had to say what kind of styles came up most in my outfits, I guess I'd say (or like to think) that in summer especially they are a little gypsy/boho. Oversized and breezy and easy to wear is great. I'm in love with fringing and fraying. All year round there are vintage influences. I looooveee 50's and rockabilly styles, although they only show themselves occasionally in small ways like a fitted highwaisted skirt, or a headscarf or bright lips. I've also been getting into grunge / 90's a bit recently. Washed out denim teamed with tiny floral patterns & Docs always works.

& i think i know who you are.

*Does the hosiery you wear dictate the clothes,outfit you wear ?

- Usually it is the other way round. I tend to have overall ideas of the feel I want to get across in outfits rather than individual pieces, & just work the hoisery into the big picture. In winter though, it does a little. I'm quite fussy with long pants, I don't like a lot of them and find them boring, or really difficult to get a good fit, so I tend to wear tights with everything!! So before I get dressed I know I somehow have to make my tights work with what I had in mind so go from there. I'd love to get more into patterned / textured tights, but usually I just have plain black opaques or sheers, but try and wear them in unexpected ways or with unexpected layering. Maybe next winter I will work on expanding my collection!

*Do you ever wear 10 denier tights if so how long do they last you ?

- I think my lowest denier I tend to wear is 15, but I'm lucky if they last past getting them on without a ladder! Even my opaques I'm forever ripping or laddering. I think my problem is that I'm forever pulling them up during the day (around my hips etc) and that just takes them out. I should only ever do it when I have time to start from my ankles and do it properly and slowly, not while I'm walking down the street between steps. I'm a perfectionist and I worry / feel like they are falling down or wrinkling, even when they're not really. I need to learn to just leave well enough alone lmao!

* What is your hosiery staple ?

-Black opaques for sure. I'd like to try some other options tho, just never really get around to it. I try and mix them up occasionally though by putting them with outfits you wouldn't normally think of, or putting socks over the top of them, whatever comes to mind.

From this broken hill, I will sing to you.

*Do you keep a spare pair of tights in your bag ?

-No, but I really should! I am TERRIBLE with keeping them in one piece. But too rushed / disorganised to pack spares haha. Usually I don't have a spare 'in one piece' pair to take with me anyway.

* Do you recycle your tights ?

- Not usually. I haven't been able to figure out a good way of doing so yet! Any suggestions? Sometimes when they are destroyed I cut them off to make little bike shorts to wear under sheerish skirts etc. I would like to make them into fully wearable ones, but usually they are too sheer, even my opaques. The legs are fine but VPL always happens up the top, how uncool.

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